South-West Corner Audley Rd. & Kingston Rd.

Ajax, Ontario

The Subject Site is located at 537 KINGSTON ROAD in Ajax. TBG was retained to seek Zoning By-law Amendment, Site Plan Approval, and CLOCA and TRCA approval for a warehouse development located in the Town of Ajax.

The proposed development consists of a one-storey warehouse building with a total GFA of 112,792m2 (including 51,200 S.F. of office space) and a site coverage of ~40%. A total of 616 surface parking spaces and an additional 285 Trailer Staging Positions are proposed.

The project involves the establishment of development limits with both the TRCA and CLOCA, restoring an existing wetland and partially constructing a public road. ZBLA has been achieved and site grading has commenced.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by Glenn Piotrowski Architect Ltd.